The ANC is a national liberation movement.

Join Hands And Be The Majority

Together, we will continue to work tirelessly towards a South Africa that is prosperous, just, and inclusive, leaving no one behind in our pursuit of a better future for all.

As a role model for young leaders and a beacon of hope for the underprivileged, Siyabonga’s journey continues to inspire countless individuals to become proactive change-makers in their own communities. With his dedication and passion, he remains a driving force in the ongoing development and progress of Zone 5, Greater Johannesburg.

ANC Greater Johannesburg

Siyabonga Masiza: Leading Change in Zone 5

Siyabonga Masiza is a visionary leader and community activist, known for his dedication and passion in driving positive change within the Greater Johannesburg region. Born and raised in Zone 5, he developed a deep-rooted connection to his community and a strong desire to uplift the lives of its residents.

Growing up in a humble household, Siyabonga witnessed the challenges faced by the people around him, from lack of access to education and healthcare to limited job opportunities. Determined to make a difference, he set out on a path of education and personal development, using his talents and skills to serve his community.

Siyabonga’s journey began with his pursuit of higher education. He graduated with honors in Public Administration from a reputable university, which provided him with the knowledge and tools to better understand the complexities of local governance and community development.

Upon completing his studies, Siyabonga returned to his roots in Zone 5, determined to bring about tangible change. He joined various community-based organizations and non-profit initiatives, working tirelessly to empower the youth, promote gender equality, and improve living conditions for the marginalized.

Volunteer Journey

Join Us in our 2024 Election Campaigns

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take a moment to share with you my incredible volunteer journey during the recent election campaigns for 2024. It was an experience that left an indelible mark on my life and reaffirmed my belief in the power of democracy and community engagement.

Volunteering Experience

Other Experiences

We would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to three exceptional members of our organization who have demonstrated unwavering dedication and outstanding efforts in raising funds to support our cause. Their commitment and hard work have made a significant impact on our ability to fulfill our mission and make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Firstly, we commend spokesperson for their exceptional leadership and strategic thinking in fundraising. Their innovative ideas and tireless efforts have resulted in the successful execution of several fundraising campaigns, generating substantial financial support for our organization. Their ability to mobilize resources and rally support from donors and sponsors has been instrumental in our growth and sustainability.

Secondly, we would like to recognize Treasurer for their exceptional networking skills and persuasive communication. Through their remarkable ability to connect with individuals and organizations, they have secured vital partnerships and sponsorships that have significantly contributed to our fundraising goals. Their passion and enthusiasm have inspired others to join our cause and contribute generously, making a lasting impact on our organization’s ability to create positive change.

Be a Part Of

Our Mission


The African National Congress (ANC) is dedicated to the pursuit of a united, democratic, and prosperous South Africa, where all its people can enjoy equal rights, opportunities, and social justice.

Siyabonga Masiza Chairperson

Phapano Phasha Secretary

Quinton Qhawe Zulu Treasurer

Masinga Geza Spokesperson

Mduduzi Jack Deputy Secretary

1200 +

Members Of ANC Zone5

1200 +

Number Of Branches

0 K+

Members In Good Standing

Funds Raised

R 1200 M+

Know More About

What We Achieved

The ANC played a pivotal role in the fight against apartheid, leading the struggle for liberation and the dismantling of institutionalized racism in South Africa. The party’s steadfast resolve, coupled with the bravery and sacrifices of its members, contributed to the birth of a democratic nation founded on principles of inclusivity and human rights.

To Know More


The ANC is dedicated to ensuring a just and inclusive democracy, where the voices of all South Africans are heard and respected. We champion the values of transparency, accountability, and good governance, and we work tirelessly to combat corruption and promote ethical leadership at all levels of government and society.